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Browse Anonymously With Tor

Browse the internet privately without a VPN using a Tor browser. A Tor Browser lets your browse the internet privately and securely using the Tor network and it cost much less than a VPN, i.e. its free. This is great for using unsecured wifi in public places. A...

NuGet Package Restore in Visual Studio

How to do a NuGet package restore after your compile fails. Recently, I was creating a WebAPI in .NET 5 and when I tried to compile, I got this error message: Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. The simplest way to do this is: Right click on the...

Using Response.Write in a C# Class

It’s not that difficult to use Response.Write() in a .NET Framework WebForms class. Classes in a WebForm application can’t use Response.Write() by default. The following steps will allow you to use this function along with other functions such as...

Running PowerShell on a Remote Computer

Remoting in a computer with PowerShell is easier than connecting by VNC or RDC if you just need to do a few admin functions. Enable PowerShell to accept remote connections. Go to machine and run PowerShell as administrator. Run this command: Enable-PSRemoting -Force...

One Letter Abbreviation for the Day of the Week

If you use single letters to represent the day of the week, you will run into problems with Sunday/Saturday and Tuesday/Thursday. There is a standard way of representing the days of the week which solves this problem. Day Code Sunday U Monday M Tuesday T Wednesday W...

Setting Default Document for Laravel in IIS

If you build Laravel applications in Windows 10 using IIS, you will get an error message if you try viewing your web site. This is easily fixed appending web.config. When you setup a website entry in IIS and point it to your Laravel application, you’ll get the...
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