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Demystifying Recipe Abbreviations

The software developer’s guide to recipe abbreviations. Many software developers enjoy cooking, because unlike building apps, recipes don’t require dependency updates to make them work. I’m very much an amateur chef and I couldn’t just walk...

Primal Goulash

Eat goulash like your paleo ancestors did! This is a favourite comfort food from my Slovak childhood with a few modifications to make it paleo friendly. Recipe Times Prep Time: 30 min Cook Time: 2 hrs Total Time: 2.5 hrs Ingredients Beef Broth 0.5 kg Beef Cubes 12...

DIY Peanut Butter

There have been far too many political posts this week so here is a positive one: how to make your own peanut butter!!! You’ll need: peanuts, lots of them food processor Very simple procedure. Put peanuts in food processor and turn it on high speed. Eventually...

How to Make Almond Butter

I have a problem. I like almond butter, but I don’t like paying for almond butter. The reason is that its too expensive compared to peanut butter. After some research and experimenting, I have an algorithm (or recipe for the non-techies) to create it yourself. The...
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