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I recently tried to install MediaWiki on my account with 1&1 I couldn’t get past the second installation page. The software couldn’t find /config/index.php even though the file was in that subfolder. After some experimentation, I came up with a solution to install MediaWiki.

  1. Copy the MediaWiki installation files to your web site address folder.
  2. Rename the config folder to configuration.
  3. Create a folder called config and give it full read/write permissions.
  4. Create an .htaccess file in the root of your web site. Open the file and add the following line to it:AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
  5. Open the web site address in your web browser and click set up wiki.
  6. You’ll get an error message titled “Multiple Choices”. The installer can’t find /config/index.php. Go to the address bar in your web browser and change the config word to configuration. Open the page the address bar is pointing to. The URL should look something like this:http://www.yourwiki.com/configuration/index.php
  7. Fill out all of the required fields to install mediaWiki.
  8. After installation is complete, move the /config/LocalSettings.php file to the root folder and your wiki is ready to go.
  9. Remove all write privileges to the config folder that you created earlier.


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